Charlotte and the Wolf by Elli Daniels- Review

Writing: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Firstly, a HUGE thank to the wonderful author of this book for giving me a free eBook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review- I really am grateful!
This book follows the story of seventeen-year-old Charlotte, who has recently moved to the city of Rowen with her mother and younger brother, Dimitri in order to escape persecution. However, as she is settling into her new life, a new problem arises. She and her two friends, Emma and Sarah are attacked and bitten by a wolf.
They have to try and cope with hiding their wounds from the Hunters and also struggle with the changes that happen after their bite. However, the wolf returns and more dangerous than ever. Charlotte, Emma and Sarah must stand united to save the people they love.
I was pleasantly surprised with this book and can honestly say that I loved it! I loved the plot and especially the style of writing- it encaptivated me and I know that I will be re-reading it very soon! This book was ORIGINAL and I truly think we need more books like this- unique and incredible!
The following quotation is a small sample of how outstanding the writing style is:
‘The trees beyond the fence were even larger than the ones surrounding her new home: towering evergreens with trunks wrapped in moss, branches that wove a thick canopy overhead, blocking out the sky; twisting rowans, their limbs sprinkled with berries like clustered drops of blood; spruces that turned silver-blue in the gleaming moonlight; oaks that shook and whispered gently in the faint breeze, telling stories of legends long lost.’
The characters were incredible- they were fierce and independent. My 4/5 is only because I would like more from the characters, but that’s probably just me being upset over the book ending!
‘Sarah linked her arms through Charlotte’s and Emma’s. “I think we’re strong enough now.”’
Charlotte is probably my favourite character as she is simply an inspiration- she is strong, beautiful and kind.
Sarah is strong and I love her so much!
Emma is hilarious and honestly has a great sense of humour.
‘Sarah let out an exasperated sigh and fixed Emma with a hard look. “What are you doing outside the village?”
The wolf was described perfectly and I felt fear at the though of the wolf. The author is a commendable writer and I NEED more of her work!
‘A wolf stood behind them, half-hidden in the deep black and blue shadows beneath the towering trees. The beast was large and covered in pale fur, its silvery coat shining in the moonlight. Bright ivory teeth flashed as it growled at her.’
The author was very good at creating tension. She shows exactly how dangerous the wolf is and I loved the feeling of anticipation it gave me.
‘“Get out of here, all three of you,” he said angrily. “And don’t come back. Silver won’t save you- not with wolves like these.”’
Here is yet another example of the author’s beautiful writing- if I was to give a few of my favourite examples, this review would be very long!
‘Lightning tore across the sky. Thunder crashed in the air. Blood pounded in her ears and for a moment the night went silent but for the heavy drumbeat of her heart as she leapt into the air.’
Overall, this was a great book and I highly recommend it if you want an action-packed story that will stay with you. I hope to read more from the author as she truly is an amazing writer. This is her debut novel and she has done a brilliant job!