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“Just because you can't experience everything doesn't mean you shouldn't experience anyt
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern ❤️❤️❤️
Charlotte and the Wolf by Elli Daniels- Review
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“Just because you can't experience everything doesn't mean you shouldn't experience anyt
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern ❤️❤️❤️
Charlotte and the Wolf by Elli Daniels- Review
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“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convin
#JohnGreen #book #TheFaultInOurStars #LookingforAlaska #AnAbundanceofKatherines #PaperTowns #TurtlesAllTheWayDown
“You were the sun, and I was crashing into you.”-Rainbow Rowell, Carry On
#book #RainbowRowell #CarryOn #SimonSnow #Baz
“The stars dust gold leafing on his skin. And we are looking at each other, just looking, and I swea
#book #TheGentlemansGuidetoViceandVirtue #MackenziLee #Guide1
The Shadow Reigns (Witch-Hunter #2)- Review
Firstly, a HUGE thank you to the wonderful author who sent me a review e-book of this novel! Characters: 5/5 Plot: 5/5 Style: 5/5...
Review- In The Shadows by Sharon McDonnell
Style: 5/5 Writing; 5/5 Plot: 5/5 Characters: 4.75/5 Overall: 5/5 Firstly, I owe a huge thank you to the author of this incredible novel,...
Review- Fire on the Track by Roseanne Montillo
Style: 4/5 Writing:5/5 Originality: 4/5 Firstly, a huge thank you to Blogging for Books and Edelweiss for my free eBook review copy of...
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