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James: witch-hunter by K.S. Marsden- Review

I received an eBook copy of this book from K.S. Marsden.

Characters: 5/5 Plot: 5/5 Originality: 5/5

I am so grateful to have received a copy of this as I enjoyed it so much! We follow the story of James, a boy who is starting his first year at Oxford University. He is the main character and meets Hunter, his irritable roommate. Initially, the relationship between Hunter and James is tense and we can literally feel the animosity between them!

The story takes a dramatic twist when, on the night of Halloween, a girl is murdered. However, this was not the average story and it takes a unique twist. James is suddenly and instantaneously thrown into a world different to his own. He is soon forced to face witches in a way we have never seen them before and magic which encaptivates the reader. James will need to fight to survive and kill to live. James is now a witch-hunter.

The thing that really made me love this story was how realistic it seemed! I was so happy to read an almost realistic take on magic and I can guarantee that I will be reading the rest of the books in this incredible series!

Overall, a great read and I would recommend this to everyone! Please go and read this story as it would definitely be worth your time!

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